divendres, 15 de novembre del 2013

Can retirement kill you?

This news talks about if retirement is bad for your health. Harry Prosen is an old man who stopped to work at 71 years old but he hasn’t stopped.
A few years later when he was 83 years he corrected a manuscript which had six hundred pages because he wanted to keep up. Harry thinks that stop work is bad for you and that’s why he now works with vocal groups and practice nearly every day.
There are a lot of studies which have in common that people who was differ life more than other people. That’s why Harry thinks he shouldn’t stop doing something.

My opinion about this it that I agree with what the news said. I agree when the news said  ‘’cutting down on the number of working hours is a better alternative than full retirement for many people’’. From my point of view it the worst thing that a person can do is to stop working altogether it’s positive that people are busy, and if people do this I think that maybe there would be extended life expectancy. 

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