divendres, 15 de juny del 2012

Mind Map

Create your own mind maps at MindMeister

dimarts, 5 de juny del 2012

My best post

This is my best post.

This is my best post in 4th of ESO becuse I'm very happy of my result. I think went I did this post I'm inspirate. I think that I did a good writing because when I read the writing I'm surprised with myself I wrote a fantastic post in my opinion. I spend more time on my other posts, as to what wrote is something that I love. The result In my opinion was great, I manages to write a post form orferly, well structured and pretty. 
The post about my career sportive I talk since I started to where I'm now, and this is something I find very nice because thgroughout my life I have had many opportunities, I have achived many goals and reminding me of myself makes me feel right. 

I think the best blog of the class is the Julia's blog.

diumenge, 3 de juny del 2012

Tourist interview

Now, I will explain my interview with an Englisht girl. I did this inteview in front of the Dali museum.

She said me: Now I'm stay in Barcelona but I went to Figueres because I will visit a Dali museum, but she lives in Bielorusia. She stay in holidays here and she said a good time? of cours jajajja. She choose catalonia for this holidays because she never visit Barcelona, because are a lot of differents interesting places and because the people are so friendly. She staying in apartament of Barcelona. She staying for four days. She doesn't speak spanish or catalan, she think that the people of Catalonia speak good English. She would return to Barcelona, She said of course.

divendres, 1 de juny del 2012

This year

This year I have done my fourth year of ESO and I had a good year in general. It was a calm  year, I haven't had many problems to pass all the subjects. Now I thiknk this year was a good year because I passed all the exams but I think that if I had worked better I would have  had better mark.
This year I enjoyed very much the people of my class because are my clasmates and fantastic people and we had a lot together. 
Now that has gone what I really have to do is to prepare myself better for next year. 


A have a lot of friend but now I explain how a good friend should:

For me a good friend is who when you find youselves lost in the dark and you can see, one good friend helps you in this ocasion.IS one person that if you have a problem you can count on he or she. It's a one person who knows when I'm in need it I can always count on them. Is a one person he is always ready to lend your a shoulder to cry on, is a person who will never let go and will never say GOODBYE. 

I'm looking for a job

Now I'm looking for a job for Summer because I want to do a lot of things but I don't have money, and that's why I'm looking for a job. 
The problem is that with the crisis it's very difficult to find anything for my age.
I knew it would be difficult and for this reason I went to take the exam of first aid. And with this I can work on the beaches, as a watchman in case anybody needed help. or I could also work in suimming pools.
But I amb still looking for any kind of job. 

Book versus film

The main difference was that in the film the seeting takes place at present as in the book is in the Middle Ages.

Another difference would be the way they dress, in the book they wear a clothes to Middle Ages and on the film they wear a clother of our time.

Another diference is that in the book the fights happens in the beautiful city of Verona and in the film happens in the street or in buildings.

I think the film with the book are completely contrasting the decorates, but the history was the same.

What's does my motorbike mean to me?

When I had my motorbike I remember that I was very happy. Because for me had a radical style to live.
Since I have motorbike I feel absolutly free, I go where I want, because I don't have to depend on anybody.
I think that my parents like that because I think never bother to take me everywhere.
I am so happy with my motorbike aand I think that has marced my style in live.

How to have a perfect summer?

For me, to have a perfect summer something escential is not working. Because if I work I don't have any time to do activities that I like for exampole, going to the beach, going to the disco's...
Another important thing for me, it's to have parent who give you freedom. Because so you have a sensation of liberty, and it is a fantastic feeling.
And finally, and a very important thing, to hgave good friends, because if I have a very funny and we do a lot of thing toether and enjoy so much in the summer.
In conclusion for me a fantastic summer has to have: liberty, and a good group of friends willing to enoy themselves.