dimecres, 14 de novembre del 2012



A drop in the ocean, / Una gota en l'oceà
A change in the weather, /Un cambi en el temps
I was praying that you and me might end up together. / Jo estava resant perquè tu i jo acabessim junts
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,/ Es com volguer que plogui estan al desert
But I'm holding you closer than most,/ Però jo estic aguantant més que la majoria
'Cause you are my heaven./ perquè tu ets el meu cel

I don't wanna waste the weekend,/No vull perdre el cap de setmana
If you don't love me, pretend/ Si tu no m'estimes, mentiré
A few more hours, then it's time to go./ Unes hores més tard, serà l'hora de marxar
As my train rolls down the East coast,/Com s'escapen el trens per la costa est
I wonder how you'll keep warm./ Hem pregunto com mantenir el calor
It's too late to cry, too broken to move on./ Es massa tard per plorar, massa dur per seguir.

Still I can't let you be,/ Encara no puc deixar-te estar
Most nights I hardly sleep./ Moltes nints no puc dormir
Don't take what you don't need from me./No agafis el que no necessites de mi. 

A drop in the ocean,/ Una gota en l'Oceà
A change in the weather, / Un cambi en el temps
I was praying that you and me might end up together. / jo estava resant perquè tu i jo acabessim junts
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,/Es com volguer que plogui estan al desert
But I'm holding you closer than most,/ Però jo estic aguantant més que la majoria
'Cause you are my heaven./ Perquè tu ets el meu cel

Misplaced trust and old friends,/Confiança fora de lloc i vells amics
Never counting regrets,/ Mai hem lamento d'explicar-ho
By the grace of God, I do not rest at all./Gracies a deu, no descanso en absolut.
New England as the leaves change;/ Nova Anglaterra com el canvi de les fulles
The last excuse that I'll claim,/ La última excusa que et reclamo
I was a boy who loved a woman like a little girl./ jo era un home que estimava una dona, com una nena.

Still I can't let you be,/ Encara no puc deixar-te estar
Most nights I hardly sleep,/ Moltes nits no puc dormir
Don't take what you don't need from me./ No agafis el que no necessites de mi

A drop in the ocean,/ Una gota en l'Oceà
A change in the weather,/ Un cambi en el temps
I was praying that you and me might end up together./ Jo estava resant perquè tu i jo acabessim junts
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,/Es com volguer que plogui estan al desert
But I'm holding you closer than most,/ Però jo estic aguantant més que la majoria
'Cause you are my/ Perquè tu ets el meu cel

Heaven doesn't seem far away anymore./ El cel no sembla molt lluny, ja no.
Heaven doesn't seem far away./El cel no sembla lluny
Heaven doesn't seem far away anymore./ El cel no sembla molt lluny, ja no
Heaven doesn't seem far away./ El cel no sembla lluny

A drop in the ocean,/ Una gota en l'Oceà
A change in the weather,/ Un cambi en el temps
I was praying that you and me might end up together./ Jo estava resant perquè tu i jo acabessim junts
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,/ Es com volguer que plogui estan al desert
But I'm holding you closer than most,/ Però jo esetic aguantant més que la majoria
'Cause you are my heaven./ Perquè tu ets el meu cel
You are my heaven/ Tu ets el meu cel

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