diumenge, 25 de novembre del 2012



Fin is one book that I rode the last month. I like this book because for me it was an interesting book and I wasn’t bored when I was reading this book.
This book talks about a one group of friends organized one party because, they didn’t see each other for a long time. But the day of the party passed one thing very strange, the people began to disappear. And in the end the book, there is only one person left. 
For me this book has a lot of intrigue and it’s for that I think that’s an especial book, because when I read this book I didn’t separated until I finish that. 
I would recommended it a lot of person who love read an intrigue books, and I think if anybody like an intrigue book this person would finish this book on three o four days because it’s a enjoy book and it’s difficult separate with that. 

dissabte, 24 de novembre del 2012




What's wrong with the world, mama/ ¿Què es lo que passa en el món, mama?
People livin' like they ain't got no mamas / La gent viu com si no tingues familia
I think the whole world addicted to the drama/  Crec que el món sencer esta enganxat al drama
Only attracted to things that'll bring you trauma/ només et sents atret per les coses dramàtiques
Overseas, yeah, we try to stop terrorism /fora del nostre país, intentem para el terrorisme
But we still got terrorists here livin' / però els terroristes segueixen vivin aqui
In the USA, the big CIA / Als Estats Units, a la gran Cia.
The Bloods and The Crips and the KKK / Els Bloods els Crips i els KK
But if you only have love for your own race/ però si només estimes a les persones de la teva raça
Then you only leave space to discriminate / dons només deixes lloc a la descriminació
And to discriminate only generates hate/ i la desciminació genera odi
And when you hate then you're bound to get irate, yeah / i quant odies t'invadeix la indignació
Badness is what you demonstrate / demostres maldat
And that's exactly how a nigga works and operates / I així es com funciona l'entremà germà
Nig, you gotta have love just to set it straight / has d'estimar perquè tot et surti bé
Take control of your mind and meditate / agafa el control de la teva ment i medita
Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all, y'all /deixa que la teva alma descrubeixe l'amor

People killin', people dyin' / gent matant, gent morin
Children hurt and you hear them cryin' /nens ferits als que escoltes plorar
Can you practice what you preach /pots portar a la pràctica el que reses?
And would you turn the other cheek/ Posaries l'altre galta?

Father, Father, Father help us/ pare, pare, pare ajuda'ns
Send us some guidance from above /guians des de dalt
'Cause people got me, got me questionin' /perquè la gent hem fa, hem fa dubtar
Where is the love (Love) / On és l'amor?

Where is the love (The love)/ On es l'amor? (amor)
Where is the love (The love) / On es l'amor? (amor)
Where is the love / On es l'amor?
The love, the love/ Amor, amoor

It just ain't the same, always unchanged / no és el mateix tot i que no hi ha cambis
New days are strange, is the world insane/ els nous dies son extranys, esta boig aquest món?
If love and peace is so strong/  si l'amor i la pau són tant forts
Why are there pieces of love that don't belong / perquè hi ha amors que es perden?
Nations droppin' bombs / nacions llançan bombes
Chemical gasses fillin' lungs of little ones/ gasos químics emplenant els pulmons dels nens
With the ongoin' sufferin' as the youth die young / el sufriment continu de una joventud que mort jove
So ask yourself is the lovin' really gone / així que preguntet: ha desaparegut l'amor?
So I could ask myself really what is goin' wrong /així podré preguntar-me que és el que va malament
In this world that we livin' in people keep on givin' /en aquest món que vivim, la gent segeix rendinse
Makin' wrong decisions, only visions of them dividends/ Trian desicions equivocades de l'amor
Not respectin' each other, deny thy brother/ No és repecta l'un a l'altre, diu el teu germà
A war is goin' on but the reason's undercover/ estem en guerra pero el motiu esta amagat
The truth is kept secret, it's swept under the rug/ la veritat es un secret, esta amagada
If you never know truth then you never know love / si no coneixes la veritat, no coneixes l'amor
Where's the love, y'all, come on (I don't know) / On esta l'amor? Anem-hi
Where's the truth, y'all, come on (I don't know) / On esta l'amor? Anem-hi
Where's the love, y'all / on esta l'amor?

People killin', people dyin' / gent matant, gent morin
Children hurt and you hear them cryin' /nens ferits que escoltes plorar
Can you practice what you preach / pots portar a la pràctica el que reses?
And would you turn the other cheek / Posaries l'altre galta?

Father, Father, Father help us/ Pare, Pare, Pare ajuda'ns
Send us some guidance from above /guians des de dalt
'Cause people got me, got me questionin' / perquè la gent hem fa dubtar
Where is the love (Love)/ On es l'amor?

Where is the love (The love) / On es l'amor? amor
Where is the love (The love) /on es l'amor? amor
Where is the love / on es l'amor
The love, the love / amor, amor

I feel the weight of the world on my shoulder/ sento el pes del món als meus hombros
As I'm gettin' older, y'all, people gets colder/ Em vaig fent gran, i la gent es torna freda
Most of us only care about money makin'/ La majoria de nosaltres només ens preocupem per guanyar diners
Selfishness got us followin' our own direction/l'egoisme ens fa seguir el nostre propi cami 
Wrong information always shown by the media/ els medis sempre mostren l'informació equivocada
Negative images is the main criteria/ el seu principal criteri són les imatges negatives
Infecting the young minds faster than bacteria/ contaminant les ments dels joves amb més rapidessa que una bacteria
Kids act like what they see in the cinema/ els nois fan el que veuen al cinema
Yo', whatever happened to the values of humanity/Jo, hagi pasat el que hagi passat amb els valors de la humanitat
Whatever happened to the fairness in equality/ hagi passat el que hagi passat amb la doctrina de la igualtat
Instead in spreading love we spreading animosity/ enlloc de transmetre amor, transmetem rencor 
Lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity/ falta d'enteniment, el que lluny d'unir-nos ens separa més
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' under/ es la raó perquè estigui baix de moral
That's the reason why sometimes I'm feelin' down / es la raó perquè hem senti deprimit
There's no wonder why sometimes I'm feelin' under/ no hi ha raó perquè ha vegades estigui baix de moral
Gotta keep my faith alive to lovers bound/ he de mentenir alta la meva esperança per els que estimen

People killin', people dyin'/gent matant, gent morin
Children hurt and you hear them cryin'/ nenes ferits que escoltes plorar
Can you practice what you preach/ pots portar a la pràctica el que reses?
And would you turn the other cheek /Posaries l'altre galta?

Father, Father, Father help us/ pare, pare, pare ajuda'ns
Send us some guidance from above/ guians des de dalt
'Cause people got me, got me questionin' / perquè la gent hem fa dubtar?
Where is the love (Love)/ On és l'amor?

Where is the love (The love)/ On és l'amor? (amor)
Where is the love (The love)/On és l'amor? (amor)
Where is the love (The love) /On és l'amor? (amor)

Where is the love (The love) /On és l'amor? (amor)
Where is the love (The love) /On és l'amor? (amor)
Where is the love (The love)/On és l'amor? (amor)


Good morning!
Today I want to talk about all my life. I think my life is interesting because I do a lot of activities, I think you would like it.
The first thing that I’m going to tell you is where I was born, where I live (now) and who I live with. Then I will talk about my brother, after, my studies and my tittles. Then my sportive career. In the fourth part of my work I will explain my hobbies. And finally I will talk about things which I would like to change if I could go back in time.
Diapositiva 1. Where I was born…
Well, I was born in Castelló d’Empúries a little village in Girona (Catalunya). I live in a small house in Castelló d’Empúries and I live with my mum, my dad, my dog Perla and my brother.
Diapopositiva 2. David Mostazo
Now I talk about my brother, I decide it because he marked my life a little.
My brother is David Mostazo and he’s nineteen years old.  David is a person of medium hight, he has brown hair and brown eyes and now is a bid strong.
He has more studies than me because he has already done the batxillerat and I haven’t.  Now he is studying accountancy and finances at the university in Girona, at the moment his studies were correct but I think that it is because he only does three hours a day and he has a lot of time t study.
In conclusion, my brother is a good person (I think), and sometimes I’m proud to be his brother.
Diapositiva 3. My studies and my tittles
I started my studies at the primary school Ruiz Amado, I spent nine years of my life there. Then I went in the secondary school and I spent there four years of my life. So that I’m in the first of batxillerat and I’m going well because I passed all my subjects easily. But when I was doing my fourth year of Secundary School I passed a handball trainers exam and a fist aid exam. In conclusion now I have a primary school certificate, secondary school certificate, my handball trainers tittle and my first aid tittle.
Diapositive 4. My sportive career.
This was a part of my life that I love so much, I’m proud of my sportive career.
Well, my sportive career started when I was young, when I was ten years old in the small club of handball in Castelló the name of the team was Esplais. In my first year of competicion I learnt a lot. One year after I had a great opportunity, I had a meeting with a Seleccion of Girona and I one spot in the team and I went to some championships which were held in Tarragona. The next year I had the same experience but this time I had a trial with the Seleccion of Catalunya but fore a shame I didn’t finish the last training for the championship. For me it was a pity but at the time a great experience and I learnt a lot from that.
The next year I have a letter to go to Girona and I accepted that, so now I’m playing in Girona in the top league.
If a could back in time…
One thing that I would change If I could go back in time would be to start studyng harder a few years earlier, because now I’m conscient that if I had started to study harder in the secondary school surely now everything would be easier.

And that’s my presentation, In conclusion I defined myself as a person who likes to overcome his limitacions.


I don’t watch all my video because I have technical problems with the recording.


In my presentation I used a power point to help me, and I think the power point help me a lot. In the presentation I put the different points that l would explain and some images. This helped me a lot to call the public attention.

Body language and eye contact

Well I think my body language was correct because when I was doing the presentation I saw that my classmates were listening to me and I think that he, understood me because they were very alert to me.
When I was doing it I saw the back of the class because when I did it, thought I was watching them but I wasn’t and in that way I didn’t get nervous. 


I organized my presentation a little chronologically. I think that my structure was correct because I think more than half of my classmates understood my presentation.
I think that the content was good, I think that I choose the correct information and the results were good, because I thought my presentation wasn't too boring.  

Language and Grammar

I think that the language and grammar was good because I prepared it days ago the presentation and I reviewed the grammar a lot.

Pronunciation and intonation

I think my pronunciation was good, clear and I had fluency. The intonation I think it can improve but I think it’s passable.

dimecres, 21 de novembre del 2012


This article talks about how thousands of people in France are against legalising same-sex marriage and allow gay couples to adopt. 
The people go to the steet to protest in diverse cities (Lyon, Toulouse and Marseille). But the president Francois Hollande has promised to change French law so that gay and lesbian couples can marry.  Yet the socialist govemment passed this law to be debated at parliament in January. 
Today France dows allow civil unions between same-sex couples but does not allow more than this.


When I will finish the batxillerat I have three ideas of what to do. The first idea is going to university and study to be a sports training teacher, the second idea is to study accountancy and finances (the same as my brother study) and the third option is going to the fireman school.
The first option, I don’t know if I will do it, mainly because I need a pretty high mark and other thing is that now there a lot of people who have this career and don’t have work so I think if I finish this career is will be very difficult to find a job.
The second option: accountancy and finances I think for me it’s a good career because my brother now is studying this and he told me it was easy and if I have a problem he will help me because he will have already done it.
And the third option is to be a fireman. This is the option that I like best but it’s more difficult because now there aren’t places and when there are places it’s so difficult to enter because there are many people for each job


The US will overcome Saudi Arabia as the world’s biggest oil producer, around 2020. This said an International Energy Agency (IEA).
The reason of that, the IEA said was thanks to the big growth and development in the US of extracting oil from shale rock. As a result of that, in 2035 approximately US will become a self-sufficient country.  
The US extract the oil thanks to a method called ‘’fracking’’. This method isn’t safe according to critics, they said it could cause earthquakes and pollute water sources, but the industry said it’s safe.
The IEA also predicts that EEUU will overcome Rusia as the will biggest gas producters, around 2015. Also thanks to ‘’Fracking’’.
It prevents the growth of this great US can have a major geopolitical implications, because it will make the state less concerned about the Middle East. 


Once upon a time there was a man with money problems. He had no money and he had a family. He had recently divorced his wife and he could not pay the bank for his house.

He was very desperate and went for a wals in the woods. There he met a leprechaun, he was talking to the little man, and explained the sitation he was in...

The leprechaun said he could help by gibing a bag of gold coins in exchange for one thing, he had to ask his wife to forgive him, before morning. The man went home cinfused by what just happened in the forest, he apologized to his wife, she accepted and they lived together again.

The day after the man went to the forest and found the bag of gold coins as the leprechaun had promised the day before.

With the gold coins the man paid the bank and lived happily ever after with his wife. 


Adrian Mole's book and the film thirteen are two clear examples of teenage years.
One thing similar was that in the book and in the film one person let's another down. In Adrian Mole, Nigel let's Adrian down, and in the fil Thirteen Tracy let's her real friends down.

A difference was the ones who try to change their lives. In the film thirteen, the character search to have the same life style as the most popular girl en her school has, because she wants to become a popular person. And in the book Adrian Mole, Adrian is a boy who only writes a personal diary and writes about his feelings. He's a boy who wants to have a good life.


This new talk about the blackberry’s Smartphone.

This piece of news explains that the blackberry 10 will be presented on the thirtieth of January. The objective according to RIM, has surprised all people with the new blackberry 10. According to Rim, the news blackberry will be on sale at the end of 2013.
The new blackberry will be a new operative system because Rim said: we are far from apple…According to the company they will launch two models of blackberry; one with touch screen and another with keyboard. 

dimecres, 14 de novembre del 2012



A drop in the ocean, / Una gota en l'oceà
A change in the weather, /Un cambi en el temps
I was praying that you and me might end up together. / Jo estava resant perquè tu i jo acabessim junts
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,/ Es com volguer que plogui estan al desert
But I'm holding you closer than most,/ Però jo estic aguantant més que la majoria
'Cause you are my heaven./ perquè tu ets el meu cel

I don't wanna waste the weekend,/No vull perdre el cap de setmana
If you don't love me, pretend/ Si tu no m'estimes, mentiré
A few more hours, then it's time to go./ Unes hores més tard, serà l'hora de marxar
As my train rolls down the East coast,/Com s'escapen el trens per la costa est
I wonder how you'll keep warm./ Hem pregunto com mantenir el calor
It's too late to cry, too broken to move on./ Es massa tard per plorar, massa dur per seguir.

Still I can't let you be,/ Encara no puc deixar-te estar
Most nights I hardly sleep./ Moltes nints no puc dormir
Don't take what you don't need from me./No agafis el que no necessites de mi. 

A drop in the ocean,/ Una gota en l'Oceà
A change in the weather, / Un cambi en el temps
I was praying that you and me might end up together. / jo estava resant perquè tu i jo acabessim junts
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,/Es com volguer que plogui estan al desert
But I'm holding you closer than most,/ Però jo estic aguantant més que la majoria
'Cause you are my heaven./ Perquè tu ets el meu cel

Misplaced trust and old friends,/Confiança fora de lloc i vells amics
Never counting regrets,/ Mai hem lamento d'explicar-ho
By the grace of God, I do not rest at all./Gracies a deu, no descanso en absolut.
New England as the leaves change;/ Nova Anglaterra com el canvi de les fulles
The last excuse that I'll claim,/ La última excusa que et reclamo
I was a boy who loved a woman like a little girl./ jo era un home que estimava una dona, com una nena.

Still I can't let you be,/ Encara no puc deixar-te estar
Most nights I hardly sleep,/ Moltes nits no puc dormir
Don't take what you don't need from me./ No agafis el que no necessites de mi

A drop in the ocean,/ Una gota en l'Oceà
A change in the weather,/ Un cambi en el temps
I was praying that you and me might end up together./ Jo estava resant perquè tu i jo acabessim junts
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,/Es com volguer que plogui estan al desert
But I'm holding you closer than most,/ Però jo estic aguantant més que la majoria
'Cause you are my/ Perquè tu ets el meu cel

Heaven doesn't seem far away anymore./ El cel no sembla molt lluny, ja no.
Heaven doesn't seem far away./El cel no sembla lluny
Heaven doesn't seem far away anymore./ El cel no sembla molt lluny, ja no
Heaven doesn't seem far away./ El cel no sembla lluny

A drop in the ocean,/ Una gota en l'Oceà
A change in the weather,/ Un cambi en el temps
I was praying that you and me might end up together./ Jo estava resant perquè tu i jo acabessim junts
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert,/ Es com volguer que plogui estan al desert
But I'm holding you closer than most,/ Però jo esetic aguantant més que la majoria
'Cause you are my heaven./ Perquè tu ets el meu cel
You are my heaven/ Tu ets el meu cel


Hi Lourdes!!

I'm Pau Mostazo Xarles. Weel, now I'm writing a short text because you can see my English level.

This year I try to work so hard because I would like to get a good marks, because it's very important that I get a good results now, for my future. I will strive in English because I want to improve my English, because nowadays it's very important to speak English. One of my goals is passing the First Certificate Exam before starting Univerity, and after I will travel to Englland and stay there one or two weeks to practise my English. 
These are all my plans for the future in the world of English.

See you soon, Pau. 


I would like to go to Andorra at Christmas, because I love skiing it's for that I will go to Andorra and I want to go very much because last year I dind't go skiing at all. Also, I would like to go to Andorra to buy clothes because there, there are a lot of clothes and they cheaper.
I would like to go with my family: David, Pilar Josep and with Alba, because I would like to repeat the same experience as last year but this time repeat differente than las year (Italy) in Andorra. I will go with my mum and my dad because they know Andorra and I don't, then, my borther because I feel sorry for him left at home alone.
I think I need this holiday because I'm very stressed and I need to disconnect from studies for a short time. 


Well, my last summer has two stages...The fist stage was in the month of july when I met friend to do a lot of things that I love, and the second stage was in the month of august when I worked as a waiter in a restaurant (Les Voltes).
The first stage of summer was fantastic for me, I loved it, I did what I wanted to do when wanted to do it, for me this was the paradise, hahaha. But I didn't have any money, this is why, that I accepted to work in Les Voltes. I hated work in Les Voltes because my collages always shoured at me because they wanted to do everything.
Luckily I only worked one month and the thirteen days before the school started I enjoyed so much the last days.

I conclusion, the last summer I dindn't enjoy as much as I would like but I think because now I'm a little more adult and I have preferences. 


What I do in a normal day in my life? Well, now I'll tel you about that.

One Mondays for example I got up at seven o'clock and I have a shower. When I finsh the shower I  brush my teeth, then I comb my hair and after I get dressed. I normaly do this in fourty minits and that means I  still have twenty minits left before the classes start. After that I have breakfast and I take my motorbike to go to school. 
At eight o'clock I'm at school and I have three consecutives hours of lessons, then I have a break, exactley thirty minits. I used this time to stay with my friends and talk about what we are going to do in our weekend, and talk about things that we like. When the breaktime finishes I have three consecutives hours more.
At half past three I finish school and I go to lunch at my gradma's house. After I go home and I play half and hour with my instrument. Then I watch TV or play on the computer for half and hour and after I have to do my homework and I  study until eight o'clock. 
At eight o'clock I help my mum with the dinner. After dinner I playing in the computer and then I go to bed.
And for me that's an example to normally day for me.


A new couse, first of batxillerat...Now I'm in the first of batxillerat, for me this it's spectacular as time passes.I'm sixteen years old now, and when I have fifteen I had decided my future a little, because I had to choose between science o letters, for it was very difficult... 

 Now I'm seeing things a little different than last year. The last year I'm sure that I would be studying sciences and I don't like the letters...but now,I think that probably I should have done letters because science is very hard and now I'm worried that I won't pass at all, most of the subjects because this year I dedicates a lot of my time to study and if I don't watch results I will be discouraged a lot... 

 So now, it's time to work harder and that has to come, come.