This news item talks about abducted children in China. The police think that the traffickers abducted the children in the south-western Yunnan and Sichuan and after sold them in other regions.

Last year a similar thing happened but more than 24.000 women and children were freed by the police. It's sad, but now the history life the same that last year...
People think that the freedom of movement as a result of economic reform, have made it easier for trafficking gangs to operate.
My opinion about this news is very sad...I don't understand why these things happen in the XXI century. We work hard every day, we have a lot of policemen and we have advance our techonogy a lot. However this isn't sufficient, I don't know how this happens! I feel terrible, I feel like they are laughing at us...
Abducted children/ ''Nens secuestrats''
Were freed/ ''van ser posats en llibertat''
Freedom of movement/ ''llibertat de moviment''
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