divendres, 16 de març del 2012

Describe a picture

Record music with Vocaroo >>
In this picture you can see my training space. In this sports hall I go three times a week or sometimes I go four, it depends on my homework.
I love this space because for me, this is my second residence. It is one of the spaces where I'm very happy, I enjoy it very much, I  and I like stay here. I have a lot of people that love me and I love them.

In this pituree you can see my sports hall. In the center of the picture you can see me in the Sarriàs, hole concretly in the sports hole. In the moment that took the photo I was training. I think that it was a one monday provatly when we had a specific training because thit weekend we played with Granollers and this was an important game. 

dimarts, 6 de març del 2012

Handball is more than sport

Today I'm going to right about my sport flife, because today I have been thinking about it and it's one of the things that I like most in life and that I have done it all by myself.
I started to poractice this sport because my brother influenced me and also because I sore it quite interesting and I thought that naibe could be fun. And that is why one day I started to do handball. 
I started to play handball when I was ten years old on the team of my village. In my firt year of competicion I started to be a little bit better than half of the team. Year after year I started to get better and better and then finally I had a great opportunity, I had a meeting when I vas twelve years old with a Seleccion of Girona and I one spot in the team and I went to some championships that they did in Tarrgona. The year after I had the same experience but I dindn't end up in the team, insted I had a meeting with the Seleccion of CAtalunya but fore a shame I didn't finish de last training for the championship. Fore me it was a great lost but at the time a great experience and I learnt a lot from that. 
A one year later I recibed my firt letter to go to Gerona, but i denied it because of family problems, that year I continued working gard and a year later they ofered it to me again, and this time I have a four opportunitis to different teams but i said yes to Girona. And this would be my sport life untill now where I'm in a team Girona playing in the highest category in Catalunya where at the moment we are in third place. 

.And this would be my sport life in till now where im in  a team in Gerona playing  in the highest category in Catalunya where at the moment we are in third place.

Iyaz - Solo Traduccion

I said I dont want to part this earth/Li vaig dir que no volia que marxes d'aquesta terra
If I got to do it solo/ Si ho te de fer en solitari

See how we used to be a team/ Veure com acostumava a ser un equip
Running the streets/ Correr per els carrers
Ya we was living out our dream, ohh/ Ja que estava visquen el nostre somni, ohh
You used to be my rider/Tu solies ser el meu caball
I was your provider/ Yo estava a la seva disposició
Now we separated in two/ Ara estem separats en dos
Oh we was burning up the block/ Oh, estava cremant el bloc
And everybody know when we step in the spot, ohh/ Tothom sap quan fem un pas en el lloc
See, we was like the dynamic duo/ Es veia que era com el duo dinàmic
Id never thought that you'd go back, but you did/ Jo pensava que mai tornaria, pero va tornar
You did/ Ho vas fer
Oh baby you left and sailed away alone (Yeah, alone)/ O bebe te'n vas anar i es va allunyar sol (si, sol)
And now you got me trapped up on this island/ I ara em tens atrapat en aquesta illa
With nowhere to get home/ Amb res per arribar a casa
And I don't wanna go, no/ I jo no i vull anar, no
I don't wanna go, go/ jo no i vull anar, anar
I don't wanna go, no/jo no i vull anar, no
I don't wanna go, no/Jo no i vull anar, no
I don't want to walk this earth/ No vull caminar aquesta terra
If I gotta do it solo (solo)/ Si o tinc de fer sol (sol)
Cuz I was so high/Cuz era tan alt
And I was so low/ i jo tan baixa
And I don't wanna walk around alone, so lone/ I jo no vull caminar sol, de manera solitaria
And I don't want to walk this earth/ I jo no vull caminar en aquesta terra
If I gotta do it solo (solo, solo)/ Si tinc de fer-ho sol (sol,sol)
You asked me [pinned] onto my top line/ Vostè em va preguntar (clavat) en la meva primera linea
Put us together/Ens va posar junts
And you offered it the rewind/ I voste li va oferir el revovinat
See, you give me a purpose/Mira, em dones un proposit
Now I'm getting nervous/Ara m'estic posant nerviós
That my heart will never sing again/Que el meu cor no sap cantar de nou
Oh, when we were burning up the airways/ oh, quan s'estaven cremant les vies respiratories
Didn't know I was from the Virgin Islands or the U.K./No sabia que era de les illes Virgines o del Regne Unit
See, we was on the way to the platinum and gold/ Mira, estava en el camí cap a la plaia i l'or
Never thought you'd go back, but you did/Mai vaig pensar que tornaria, por ho va fer
Yeah, You did/ Si, ho va fer
Oh baby you left and sailed away alone (Yeah, alone)/ O bebe te'n vas anar i es va allunyar sol (sol)
And now you got me trapped up on this island/i ara em tens atrapat en aquesta illa
With nowhere to get home/ Amb res per arribar a casa
And I don't wanna go, no/I jo no i vull anar no
I don't wanna go, go/No no i vull anar, anar
I don't wanna go, no/Jo i vull anar, no
I don't wanna go, no/Jo no i vull anar, no
I don't want to walk this earth/ Jo no vull caminar en aquesta terra
If I gotta do it solo (solo)/Si o tinc de fer sol (sol)
Cuz I was so high/Cuz era tan alt
And I was so low/ I jo tan baixa
And I don't wanna walk around alone, so lone/ I jo no vull caminar sol, de manera solitaria
And I don't want to walk this earth/ I jo no vull caminar en aquesta terra
If I gotta do it solo (solo, solo)/ si ho he de fer sol (sol, sol)
I don't wanna walk S-O-L-O/ no vull caminar S-O-L-O
I don't wanna walk S-O-L-O/ no vull caminar S-O-L-O
Oh nooo (Oh nooo)/ ohh nooo
I don't wanna walk S-O-L-O/ No vull caminar S-O-L-O
I don't wanna walk S-O-L-O/ No vull caminar S-O-L-O
I don't ever wanna let your love go/ Jo no vull tornar a deixar que el amor se'n vagi
I dont wanna walk S-O-L-O/No vull caminar S-O-L-O
And I don't wanna go, no/i jo no i vull anar no
I don't wanna go, go/Jo no i vull anar, anar
I don't wanna go, no/Jo no i vull anar, no
I don't wanna go, no/Jo no i vull anar, no
I don't want to walk this earth/I jo no vull caminar en aquesta terra
If I gotta do it solo (solo)/Si ho he de fer sol (sol)
Cuz I was so high/Cuz tan alt
And I was so low/ I jo tan baixa
And I don't wanna walk around alone, so lone/I jo no vull caminar sol, de manera solitaria
And I don't want to walk this earth/I jo no vull caminar en aquesta terra
If I gotta do it solo (solo, solo)/ Si ho tinc de fer sol (sol, sol)



The film Tres metros sobre el cielo is one of the romantic films that I have seen that I like most. I my opinion I think it's really well done and the people fit perfectly in the story. The story is really good thought, it's very nice and it intrigs you. The film has a dad ending, it makes the film special because it's not like most of the filsms, this film shows that you can't always have what you want in life... 

diumenge, 4 de març del 2012


 Throught this exercise I learned a little more vocabulary on Valentaine's day :)!